
Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Business English

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A. Description
This course will study based concept and practice of English letter , and prepares the students to mastery well the form of letter
B. Standard Competency
After joining the lecturing the students are able to compose letter of business, letter of application, etc.

Business English is not as same as a general English. To learn those both languages are also quite different. The case is, in business English needs to mastery on the terms or specific idioms, phrases or opening lines are very characteristic and well-establish form.
A business English correspondent should own the knowledge of;
English Grammar
Commercial Knowledge
Idioms Business English

Formal Letter
Formal letter isn’t used in trade or by merchant merely but it could be used by others.
Formal letters can be divided into:
“Formal Official Letters”, which are addressed to government, parliament and/or people’s consultative congress, in the Army, in trading and the contents of the letters are very formal
“Informal Official Letters”, those people whose letters are not very formal or half formal

nLetter Forms
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Commercial letters is generally typed, and can be divided into 8 parts;
2.Date & Letter-number
3.Inside address
6.Complimentary Closing
8.Superscription /outside address

1. Letter head
nIn this part you’ll find: name of company, name of city, name of street/building, name of area, name of country. It is usually stitched at the top of paper.

2. Date & Letter-number
The date of the letter is usually placed at the right top corner under letterhead….”name of the city”
And on the left top corner it’s about 2 lines under the name of city….”No”, the no. of letter is an obligation to the company itself, for it sends and receives letter to /from outers. Each big companies has it own ways in filing system
LOMBOK, September 17, 2008.
Denpasar, 2 March 1998.
Singapore, 21st July 1999.
Banyuwangi, April 30th 2007. (rarely found)

3. Inside Address
Inside address might be written on the left top corner it’s about 4 to 5 cm from margin.
If the contents of letters are short, it suggested to start your letter in the mid of the paper to avoid too many blanks.
Inside address is no more than 4 lines, notice the examples bellow:
-----------------------, -----------------
-----------------------, -----------------
-----------------------, -----------------
-----------------------. -----------------.
Uses comma and dot no comma only dot at the end
At the end
4. Salutation
The salutation is about 2 to 3 cm under inside address.
Plural Dear Sirs, or Gentlemen,
Dear Sirs: Gentlemen:

Singular Dear Sir, or Gentleman,
Dear Sir: Gentleman:

5. Body
Opening paragraph
Contents of letter
Closing paragraph
6. Complimentary Closing
Formal Official: Respectfully yours,
Yours respectfully,
Yours very respectfully,
Yours sincerely,

Informal Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Yours cordially,
Yours gratefully,
7. Signature
If the signature is unreadable it’s usually rewritten the name or the degree of the sender. E.g. Manager / president
For married or unmarried woman, before the name usually written Mrs. Or Miss, and it should be in brackets.

See you then….
Form of informal or formal letter
1287 West Broadway,
New York City,
Mach 23,2009.


Respectfully yours,

Jl.Ricak Pinggir Kali
Mataram-NTB 83511

Inside address may be located above the salutation or at the left corner bottom of the page, it’s about several lines under complimentary close.

Letter of Application
Letter of Application may be proposed as:
Self initiative
Information from acquaintances
Newspaper based-advertisement
Radio based-advertisement
From campus,
Basics of Composing and Letters’ organizing
A. Guide lines in composing letter
Letter is a symbol of written communication that leads somebody in giving information to each other. But in making it easier to understand, the composer should mastery some guidelines, here are 5 guidelines:
Well Preparation
Composing good letter needs preparation and planning. Why and to whom the letter is addressed they all should be understood. Letter that business should be well prepared. Four things, which have to prepare whilst composing letter; problem, receiver, purpose, and ways of writing.
Good paper and pen
Standard Form
Grammar and Punctuation
Reading before sending.
B. Frequently-sentences used in composing Letter of application
Salutation / Introducing greeting
a. Dear…(followed by name of recipient)
b. Dear Sir, dear Sirs,
Introducing Paragraph
a. In reference to your advertisement in Lombok Post of….
b. In Lombok Post daily dated…..
c. Denoting your advertisement in Bali Post…
d. I have read your advertisement in Jakarta Post..
e. I am writing to fulfill your advertisement in NTB Post…
f. Referring to your advertisement of Friday 15th March 2009, I should like to apply for the position of…in your company
g. I am graduated from Academy of Foreign Language (ABA) Bumigora Mataram in 2008 and I want to apply for the position you advertise
h. regarding to the qualification stated in the advertisement, I think I could take the position
i. I am (Terune Jaye), male, 23 years old of age and in healthy condition
j. Since I want to improve my English I keen to get a permanent job
3.Body of The Letter
Attached please find my qualification for your consideration
I am qualified in both written and spoken English
I can operate the computer for Microsoft office (Ms. Word and Ms. Excel)
I should like to apply for the job with following qualifications:
Herewith I enclose a curriculum vitae and copies of all my diploma to fulfill your requirements as advertised for your further consideration
Considerate of my capability and working, I expect a salary about Rp. 800.000. Etc.

Business Letters
Letter represents one’s character behind. Orally, letter will say, “Talk then I’ll know who you are”. Besides ability in attaching message, it should be suitable to the condition and the purpose.

A. Basic of Writing Letter
The language usage must be brief and short
The contents should be simplicity
Specific and clear
B. Function of Letter
Replacement of sender
Authentic written document
Documented paper/file
Time and energy saver
C. Type of Letter
Kartu Post
is an open letter to inform short and practical information.
Warkat Post
Basically the performance is much alike with an envelop (8x12cm)
Is used to leave an internal message in one company, is usually written by the manager
Contoh Memo

Tanggal : 7 November 2004
Kepada : Manager Personalia : Rian Rahmat Meutia, S. E.
Perihal : Pemberitahuan tentang staf baru
Sehubungan dengan adanya pengembangan PT. EVIAN SATRIA SEMESTA, Saudara diharapkan merekrut 10 orang staf pemasaran
Cek kembali lamaran-lamaran yang telah masuk dan lakukan seleksi, tes, dan wawancara bagi pelamar yang memenuhi syarat. Waktu pelaksanaan paling lambat akhir bulan November 2004 sehingga pelaksanaan kerja dapat dilakukan pada awal December 2004.

Ir. Muhammad Yunus Zakarin
Kinds of business letter
Surat perkenalan Usaha
Surat permintaan penawaran
Surat penawaran
Surat pesanan
Surat pengantar
Surat penagihan
Surat perjanjian

Surat perkenalan Usaha

November 7, 2004
Mr. Yudia Anwarudin
General Manager PT GOLDEN STAR
Jalan ABC No. 234 Bandung-Indonesia

Dear Mr. Yudia,

Allow us to introduce our company as one of the largest manufacturers of industry telecommunication in Japan. Our new product is NEWS 92331, an extraordinary hand phone which is designed with full graphic display in many colors to make the users feel suitable in communication. NEWS 92331 giving many advantages for communication. Send facsimile or email. Wherever you make a communication, the sound is very clear.
For this month, we give you special prices with 30% off. We also give a free card and battery.
We have been looking from you very soon.
Sincerely yours,

Robert L. William
Sales Manager

Surat permintaan (Request/inquiry Letter)
Request Letter asks about information from someone. And things you need to ask is un-limited, you’re free to ask anything in your letter. Your request would have responded if you had attached the envelop, postage, and complete address for feed back. (contoh di buku halaman 161-162 korespondensi scientifik dalam binis)

As follow up towards response of the above letter, surely you’ll order goods you need. And the order usually made through order letter. Then you should write your order in tidy, if not it is fault. Some should be included in order letter.

Name of item, catalog number, quality and quantity,
Condition and qualification
Price per item and total
Alternative item to order
Number of down payment should be clearly stated in your cheque.
Number of text service
Number of shipping fee
Address of goods recipient (Customer )
(contoh di buku halaman 163 korespondensi scientifik dalam binis)
Surat Keluhan (Complaint Letter)
If the supplier gives good service, surely the complaint won’t be appeared. If there are some expected things happened as: indecency, catastrophe, and less of control, etc. If costumer isn’t satisfied he/she may complain. In the complaint letter we have to attach in details about what we complain about. Remember, we also attach the proof to avoid the supplier will ask compensation when they want to have irresponsibility toward the agreement.
we have to compose the complaint letter carefully, the contents of letter are not showing the anger, and rude, which may destroy the relationship.
(contoh di buku halaman 166 korespondensi scientifik dalam binis)

The essential things that should be included in the complaint letter
Subject heading will interest the supplier to the contents of complaint,
Introduction the customer will place the humanistic up on the business and commercial case merely,
Complete explanation to the complaint with proof attached,
Asking about reparation based on the item complained.

A. Kinds of sales:
Direct sales  no brokers as the bridge between seller and buyer
Sales on Commission  selling or transaction via agent or broker between seller and buyer
Sales by auction  goods of auction will be sold to the to the highest bidder by auctioneer

The things sold
Conditions as to goods, the conditions of the goods are based on nature (kind) and quality, e.g.
a) Sample or pattern
Sample  raw products/materials, liquid, semi-manufactured articles and manufactured articles.
Pattern  Textile
b) Standard or type  appearance or performance, e.g. mocca for coffee
c) Description or brand
d) On Approval

Condition as to price
this term shows about are the price offered includes to next another payment and who will take the risk then.
here are some terms
a) LOCO ex warehouse
b) At Station
c) On Rail usually called F.o.r (free on rail)
d) Free Alongside -F.a.s
e) Free on Board –F.o.b
f) Cost & freight –C&F
g) Cost & freight inclusive commission- Canfic
h) etc.
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Contoh Surat

April 2, 2009


Jl. Datu Locong No. 008 Mataram

Dear Ms. Zahabiah Nafilla:

With reference to your advertisement in the NTB Post dated March 29, 2009. I would like to apply for the position of Assistant Manager. Attached is my transcript of records and my resume.

I am a woman 21 years old of age. I am recent graduate of ABA Bumigora Mataram where I finished in English Department. I have some experience working as trainee in the Tour&Travel department of PT.Sindo Surya Cemerlang Asri, where I assisted in the office administration. I am good in spoken and written English, I have a good performance and able to operate computer.

I am interested to be an Assistant Manager in your company and I feel qualified to fill your position. I enclose my photograph and my curriculum vitae that give details of my qualification and experience.

I am available anytime for an interview. My address is:

Jl. Nuri No. 61 Monjok Baru Mataram 83122

Sincerely yours,

Your Name

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010


Penyebab Kegagalan Orang pintar

Seperti halnya kesuksesan, setiap orang pun bisa mengalami kegagalan! Tak terkecuali orang-orang jenius yang kecerdasannya mendekati sempurna. Karena, memang tak ada jaminan bahwa orang pintar akan selalu sukses.

Makanya, jangan heran, jika Anda menemui rekan sekolah Anda yang dulu dikenal pandai dan cerdas namun akhirnya hanya merutuki nasib karena masa depannya yang suram! Apa penyebabnya? Di luar nasib dan faktor 'lucky', banyak hal yang bisa memicu kegagalan orang-orang pintar. Namun berdasarkan wawancara dan survei yang dilakukan pada 200 orang pintar di Amerika, ada enam hal penting penyebab kegagalan bagi mereka. Coba simak:

* Kurang ketrampilan sosial
Seberapa pun hebatnya intelegensi akademis Anda, Anda tetap perlu memiliki intelegensi sosial, seperti kemampuan mendengarkan, peka terhadap perasaan orang lain, memberi dan menerima kritik dengan baik. Orang yang memiliki intelegensi sosial tinggi mampu mengakui kesalahan mereka dan tahu bagaimana membina dukungan tim. Intelegensi sosial bisa diperoleh dengan banyak berlatih.

* Tidak cocok
Sebuah kesuksesan memerlukan kecocokan antara kemampuan, bakat, kepentingan, keinginan, kepribadian, dan nilai-nilai dalam pekerjaan Anda. Bila Anda merasa tidak cocok, maka jangan ragu untuk meninjau perilaku pekerjaan dan menyesuaikan atau mengubah pekerjaan Anda selama ini. Bagi beberapa orang, pokok persoalannya adalah seberapa besar resiko yang berani diambil.

* Tidak ada komitmen
Sesuatu yang dilakukan setengah-setengah akan memperbesar kemungkinan gagal. Suatu tujuan perlu dibarengi tekad, semangat, dan komitmen yang kuat untuk mencapainya. Kurangnya penghargaan pada diri sendiri merupakan penyebab dasar kegagalan. Untuk bisa ambil bagian dalam sukses, Anda harus yakin bahwa Anda bisa melakukannya.

* Kurang fokus
Beberapa orang melakukan terlalu banyak kegiatan sehingga akhirnya tidak melakukan satu pun dengan baik. Fokuskan kembali diri Anda pada apa yang paling baik dilakukan. Sadarilah keterbatasan Anda, tetapkan prioritas, dan susun organisasi usaha Anda.

* Kurang menyadari rintangan
Kadang, banyak rintangan tersembunyi yang sulit diperangi. Umur, diskriminasi jenis kelamin dan ras merupakan jenis rintangan yang sering tidak disadari. So, Anda harus meninjau kembali, berdasarkan analisa yang benar mengenai situasi, untuk merebut kembali kontrol atas kehidupan dan masa depan Anda.

* Kemalangan
Siapapun tidak bisa menolak adanya takdir, entah itu takdir baik atau buruk. Dan siapa pula yang bisa menolak ketika kemalangan itu harus Anda alami? Seandainya ini terjadi, yang harus Anda lakukan, jangan menyalahkan diri sendiri! Ingat, meski tak bisa menolak kemalangan itu, namun selalu ada jalan untuk memperbaikinya.

Pada akhirnya, kegagalan bukanlah 'jalan buntu' untuk mencapai sukses. Kesempatan datang silih berganti. Jika hari ini Anda gagal, mungkin besok Anda akan sukses. Jika Anda mampu berpikir jernih mengenai kegagalan dan menyadari bahwa dalam hidup ini selalu ada pilihan, Anda akan bisa menyikapi sebuah kegagalan sebagai pelajaran yang berharga. Ingat, tak ada orang yang lebih bodoh selain tidak bisa memetik pelajaran dari
sebuah kegagalan.

Diambil dari M-Web Karir (Gede)
24th June 2009

Hukum Pygmalion - Hukum Berpikir Positif

Pygmalion adalah seorang pemuda yang berbakat seni memahat. Ia sungguh piawai dalam memahat patung. Karya ukiran tangannya sungguh bagus.Tetapi bukan kecakapannya itu menjadikan ia dikenal dan disenangi teman dan tetangganya. Pygmalion dikenal sebagai orang yang suka berpikiran positif. Ia memandang segala sesuatu dari sudut yang baik. ? Apabila lapangan di tengah kota becek, orang-orang mengomel. Tetapi Pygmalion berkata, "Untunglah, lapangan yang lain tidak sebecek ini? Ketika ada seorang pembeli patung ngotot menawar-nawar harga, kawan- kawan Pygmalion berbisik, "Kikir betul orang itu."? Tetapi Pygmalion berkata, "Mungkin orang itu perlu mengeluarkan uang untuk urusan lain yang lebih perlu". * Ketika anak-anak mencuri apel dikebunnya, Pygmalion tidak mengumpat. Ia malah merasa iba, "Kasihan,anak-anak itu kurang mendapat pendidikan dan makanan yang cukup di rumahnya." Itulah pola pandang Pygmalion. Ia tidak melihat suatu keadaan dari segi buruk, melainkan justru dari segi baik. Ia tidak pernah berpikir buruk tentang orang lain; sebaliknya, ia mencoba membayangkan hal-hal baik dibalik perbuatan buruk orang lain. Pada suatu hari Pygmalion mengukir sebuah patung wanita dari kayu yang sangat halus. Patung itu berukuran manusia sungguhan. Ketika sudah rampung, patung itu tampak seperti manusia betul. Wajah patung itu tersenyum manis menawan, tubuhnya elok menarik. Kawan-kawan Pygmalion berkata, "Ah,sebagus-bagusnya patung, itu cuma patung, bukan isterimu." Tetapi Pygmalion memperlakukan patung itu sebagai manusia betul. Berkali-kali patung itu ditatapnya dan dielusnya. Para dewa yang ada di Gunung Olympus memperhatikan dan menghargai sikap Pygmalion, lalu mereka memutuskan untuk memberi anugerah kepada Pygmalion,yaitu mengubah patung itu menjadi manusia betul. Begitulah, Pygmalion hidup berbahagia dengan isterinya itu yang konon adalah wanita tercantik di seluruh negeri Yunani. Nama Pygmalion dikenang hingga kini untuk mengambarkan dampak pola berpikir yang positif. Kalau kita berpikir positif tentang suatu keadaan atau seseorang, seringkali hasilnya betul-betul menjadi positif. Misalnya, * Jika kita bersikap ramah terhadap seseorang, maka orang itupun akan menjadi ramah terhadap kita. * Jika kita memperlakukan anak kita sebagai anak yang cerdas, akhirnya dia betul-betul menjadi cerdas. * Jika kita yakin bahwa upaya kita akan berhasil, besar sekali kemungkinan upaya dapat merupakan separuh keberhasilan. Dampak pola berpikir positif itu disebut dampak Pygmalion. Pikiran kita memang seringkali mempunyai dampak fulfilling prophecy atau ramalan tergenapi, baik positif maupun negatif. Kalau kita menganggap tetangga kita judes sehingga kita tidak mau bergaul dengan dia, maka akhirnya dia betul-betul menjadi judes. * Kalau kita mencurigai dan menganggap anak kita tidak jujur,akhirnya ia betul-betul menjadi tidak jujur. * Kalau kita sudah putus asa dan merasa tidak sanggup pada awal suatu usaha, besar sekali kemungkinannya kita betul-betul akan gagal. Pola pikir Pygmalion adalah berpikir, menduga dan berharap hanya yang baik tentang suatu keadaan atau seseorang. Bayangkan, bagaimana besar dampaknya bila kita berpola pikir positif seperti itu. Kita tidak akan berprasangka buruk tentang orang lain. Kita tidak menggunjingkan desas-desus yang jelek tentang orang lain.

Kita tidak menduga-duga yang jahat tentang orang lain. Kalau kita berpikir buruk tentang orang lain, selalu ada saja bahan untuk menduga hal-hal yang buruk. Jika ada seorang kawan memberi hadiah kepada kita, jelas itu adalah perbuatan baik. Tetapi jika kita berpikir buruk,kita akan menjadi curiga, "Barangkali ia sedang mencoba membujuk," atau kita mengomel, "Ah, hadiahnya cuma barang murah." Yang rugi dari pola pikir seperti itu adalah diri kita sendiri.Kita menjadi mudah curiga. Kita menjadi tidak bahagia. Sebaliknya, kalau kita berpikir positif, kita akan menikmati hadiah itu dengan rasa gembira dan syukur, "Ia begitu murah hati. Walaupun ia sibuk, ia ingat untuk memberi kepada kita." Warna hidup memang tergantung dari warna kaca mata yang kita pakai. * Kalau kita memakai kaca mata kelabu, segala sesuatu akan tampak kelabu. Hidup menjadi kelabu dan suram. Tetapi kalau kita memakai kaca mata yang terang, segala sesuatu akan tampak cerah. Kaca mata yang berprasangka atau benci akan menjadikan hidup kita penuh rasa curiga dan dendam.Tetapi kaca mata yang damai akan menjadikan hidup kita damai. Hidup akan menjadi baik kalau kita memandangnya dari segi yang baik. Berpikir baik tentang diri sendiri. Berpikir baik tentang orang lain. Berpikir baik tentang keadaan. Berpikir baik tentang Tuhan. Dampak berpikir baik seperti itu akan kita rasakan. Keluarga menjadi hangat. Kawan menjadi bisa dipercaya. Tetangga menjadi akrab. Pekerjaan menjadi menyenangkan. Dunia menjadi ramah. Hidup menjadi indah. Seperti Pygmalion, begitulah. MAKE SURE YOU ARE PYGMALION and the world will be filled with positive people only............how nice!!!!
From: "Sky_Shield"

Tip's Menjaga Kehangatan Suami-Isteri

Sediakan selalu waktu untuk berbicara dengannya. Pasangan Anda tidak bisa "membaca" pikiran Anda bila Anda enggan mengungkapkannya. Sampaikan maksud dan keinginan Anda dengan jelas dan tuntas. Sebaliknya, Anda pun harus membuka diri untk mendengarkan dengan teliti apa saja yang dikatakan pasangan Anda. Selalu sediakan waktu untuk untuk berdua. Cinta tidak akan terpelihara bila kita `tidak mau menyediakan waktu untuknya. Selalu tempatkan keutuhan hubungan Anda sebagai prioritas utama.Seimbangkan waktu yang Anda sediakan untuk pekerjaan dengan waktu untuk pasangan Anda.Maklumi perbedaan-perbedaan yang ada antara Anda dan dia. Baik perbedaan sikap maupun pandangan. Anda tidak harus menjadi dia,begitu pula sebaliknya. Ingatlah, setiap manusia itu unik. Tidak ada dua manusia yang sama persis di muka dunia ini, bahkan saudara kembar sekalipun.Tentukan arah rumahtangga Anda. Rancanglah kehidupan dimasa depan bersama dengan pasangan Anda. Sedapat mungkin, hindari tindakan mengkritik atau menyalahkan satu sama lain. Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna di dunia ini.Berilah perhatian dan bersikaplah romantis. Coba kenang indahnya masa-masa saat Anda masih pacaran. Pertahankan pelukan mesra, kecupan sayang, hingga hadiah bunga dan cokelat. Jangan ragu mengirim sms atau memo atau surat berisi ungkapan cinta Anda
padanya.Jangan habiskan energi pada pekerjaan Anda. Sisihkan untuk bersenang-senang bersama pasangan. Pergilah berdua ke tempat-tempat yang menyenangkan. Rayakan hari-hari penting Anda berdua, misalnyahari ulang tahun perkawinan atau hari pada saat Anda pertama kali pergi berdua denganya..

(Dikutip dari Tabloid Nova 11-08-2002)

Nikmati Perbedaan!

Ditulis oleh: Anne Ahira untuk Abdul!

Perbedaan adalah anugrah dari
Yang Maha Kuasa!

Lihatlah sekeliling kita, indahnya
warna-warni bunga, warna-warni satwa,
dan segala keragaman lain yang
menghiasi dunia.

Bayangkan kalau kita hanya mengenal
warna hitam saja! Alangkah gelapnya
dunia ini! :-)

Tanpa adanya perbedaan dan warna-warni,
kita tidak akan merasakan hidup
semeriah dan seindah sekarang ini,
betul?! :-)

Begitu pun dengan kehidupan, setiap
insan selalu berhadapan dengan segala
macam perbedaan dan warna-warni

Tapi sayang, tidak semua orang mampu
melihat perbedaan sebagai kekayaan.
Banyak orang merasa tersiksa karena
perbedaan alias mereka tidak mampu

Berbagai bentuk kejahatan dimulai hanya
karena perbedaan. Entah itu perbedaan
warna kulit, agama, suku bangsa,
prinsip, atau sekadar pendapat.

Sebenarnya, perbedaan bukanlah sesuatu
yang bisa dihindari. Setiap orang lahir
dengan perbedaan dan keunikannya
masing-masing. Mulai dari perbedaan
fisik, pola pikir, kesenangan, dan

Tidaklah mungkin segala sesuatu hal sama.
Bahkan kesamaan pun sebenarnya tidak
selalu menguntungkan.

Coba bayangkan, seandainya semua orang
memiliki kemampuan memimpin, lantas
siapa yang mau dipimpin? Kalau semua
orang menjadi orang tua, siapa yang mau
jadi anak? Siapa juga yang akan
menerima sedekah, jika semua orang
ditakdirkan kaya?

Perbedaan ada bukan untuk dijadikan
alat perpecahan. Banyak hal positif
yang bisa kita peroleh dengan perbedaan.
Namun, tentu saja semua itu harus
bersyarat. Nah, syarat apa saja yang
harus dipenuhi?

Berikut di antaranya...
1. Cara pandang kita terhadap perbedaan.

Berpikirlah positif dengan mensyukuri
adanya perbedaan. Anggaplah perbedaan
sebagai kekayaan. Cara pandang yang
benar akan melahirkan sikap yang tepat.

Ada baiknya kita mencari persamaan
terlebih dahulu, sebelum mencari

2. Kelola perbedaan sebaik mungkin.

Musyawarah untuk mencapai kesepakatan
adalah jalan yang tepat untuk mengelola

Berlatihlah utk menghargai, menerima,
menjalankan dan bertanggungjawab
terhadap keputusan bersama, meski
berlawanan dengan ide awal kita.

3. Selalu posisikan segala sesuatu
pada tempatnya.

Saat bekerja sama dengan orang lain,
salurkan potensi, karakter, minat yang
berbeda-beda pada posisi 'yang tepat'.

Cara ini akan mendorong tercapainya
tujuan bersama dan mendukung
pengembangan potensi masing-masing

4. Jangan pernah meremehkan orang lain.

Apapun dan bagaimana pun kondisi atau
pendapat orang lain, perlakukan mereka
selayaknya diri kita ingin diperlakukan.

Anggaplah semua orang penting. Mereka
memiliki peran tersendiri, yg bisa jadi
tdk bisa digantikan oleh orang lain.

5. Jangan menonjolkan diri atau sombong.

Merasa diri paling penting dan lebih
baik daripada orang lain *tidak akan*
menambah nilai lebih bagi kita. Toh
kita tidak bisa hidup tanpa orang lain.

Jadilah beton dalam bangunan. Meski
tidak nampak, namun sesungguhnya ialah
yang menjadi penyangga kokohnya sebuah
bangunan. :-)

6. Cari sumber informasi yang terjamin

Perbedaan bisa muncul karena informasi
yang salah. Oleh sebab itu, pastikan
sumber informasi kita bisa terjamin dan
dapat dipercaya kebenarannya. Lebih
bagus lagi jika disertai bukti yang

7. Koreksi diri sendiri sebelum
menyalahkan orang lain.

Menyalahkan orang lain terus menerus
tidak akan banyak membantu kita. Bisa
jadi kesalahan sebenarnya terletak pada
diri kita. Karenanya, koreksi diri
sendiri terlebih dahulu merupakan
langkah yang paling bijaksana.

So, berhentilah menyesalkan perbedaan.
Karena jika tidak, Abdul akan
kehilangan sumber kebahagiaan! :-)

Kata Bijak


•Pikiran yang bijak selalu saja haus untuk belajar.George Santayana (1863-1952).

•Kita belajar melalui contoh dan pengalaman, karena belajar secara verbal melalui kata-kata memiliki keterbatasan. Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, 2005.

•Yang paling penting adalah tetap belajar, menikmati tantangan, dan menoleransi ketidakjelasan, karena pada akhirnya juga tidak ada jawaban yang pasti.
Martina Horner, Presiden dari Radcliffe College.

•Apa pun yang diminta dari Anda untuk Anda lakukan, katakan saja ”Tentu saja saya bisa!” Setelah itu sibukkan diri untuk mencari tahu bagaimana melakukan hal itu dengan baik.
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919).

•Belajar bukanlah kewajiban,... juga bukan untuk bertahan hidup.
W Edwards Deming (1900 -1993).

Increase Motivation
August 23rd, 2007 by John Wesley

If you want to make things happen the ability to motivate yourself and others is a crucial skill. At work, home, and everywhere in between, people use motivation to get results. Motivation requires a delicate balance of communication, structure, and incentives. These 21 tactics will help you maximize motivation in yourself and others.

1. Consequences - Never use threats. They’ll turn people against you. But making people aware of the negative consequences of not getting results (for everyone involved) can have a big impact. This one is also big for self motivation. If you don’t get your act together, will you ever get what you want?
2. Pleasure - This is the old carrot on a stick technique. Providing pleasurable rewards creates eager and productive people.
3. Performance incentives - Appeal to people’s selfish nature. Give them the opportunity to earn more for themselves by earning more for you.
4. Detailed instructions - If you want a specific result, give specific instructions. People work better when they know exactly what’s expected.
5. Short and long term goals - Use both short and long term goals to guide the action process and create an overall philosophy.
6. Kindness - Get people on your side and they’ll want to help you. Piss them off and they’ll do everything they can to screw you over.
7. Deadlines - Many people are most productive right before a big deadline. They also have a hard time focusing until that deadline is looming overhead. Use this to your advantage by setting up a series of mini-deadlines building up to an end result.

8. Team Spirit - Create an environment of camaraderie. People work more effectively when they feel like part of team — they don’t want to let others down.
10. Recognize achievement - Make a point to recognize achievements one-on-one and also in group settings. People like to see that their work isn’t being ignored.
11. Personal stake - Think about the personal stake of others. What do they need? By understanding this you’ll be able to keep people happy and productive.
12. Concentrate on outcomes - No one likes to work with someone standing over their shoulder. Focus on outcomes — make it clear what you want and cut people loose to get it done on their own.
13. Trust and Respect - Give people the trust and respect they deserve and they’ll respond to requests much more favorably.
14. Create challenges - People are happy when they’re progressing towards a goal. Give them the opportunity to face new and difficult problems and they’ll be more enthusiastic.
15. Let people be creative - Don’t expect everyone to do things your way. Allowing people to be creative creates a more optimistic environment and can lead to awesome new ideas.

16. Constructive criticism - Often people don’t realize what they’re doing wrong. Let them know. Most people want to improve and will make an effort once they know how to do it.
17. Demand improvement - Don’t let people stagnate. Each time someone advances raise the bar a little higher (especially for yourself).
18. Make it fun - Work is most enjoyable when it doesn’t feel like work at all. Let people have fun and the positive environment will lead to better results.
19. Create opportunities - Give people the opportunity to advance. Let them know that hard work will pay off.

20. Communication - Keep the communication channels open. By being aware of potential problems you can fix them before a serious dispute arises.
21. Make it stimulating - Mix it up. Don’t ask people to do the same boring tasks all the time. A stimulating environment creates enthusiasm and the opportunity for “big picture” thinking.
Master these key points and you’ll increase motivation with a bit of hard work.

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Power of Self Motivation
You can achieve everything you have ever wanted to have, experience, or become. The power has and always will be within you, but nothing will happen until you get and stay motivated to make something happen, to change your life and achieve your desires.
Becoming a Motivational Leader
To become a motivational leader, you start with motivating yourself. You motivate yourself with a big vision, and as you move progressively toward its realization, you motivate and enthuse others to work with you to fulfill that vision... More
Your Intention
"Just as an archer requires a target before he can shoot his arrow, you need a target before you can get motivated to achieve it."4
Your intention is a synergistic combination of three elements: desire, belief, and acceptance. It determines your motivation and how successfully you attain your goals... More
http://www.1000ventures.com/products/personal_success360.htmlSteve Jobs' 12 Rules of Success
1. Do what you love to do. Find your true passion. Do what you love to do a make a difference! The only way to do great work is to love what you do... More
Emotional Intelligence (EI)
"Emotional Intelligence" refers to your capacity to recognize your own feelings and those of others, for motivating yourself, and for managing emotions well in yourself and in your relationships. "It describes abilities distinct from, but complementary to, academic intelligence, the purely cognitive capabilities measured by IQ. Many people who are book smart lack emotional intelligence but lack emotional intelligence end up working for people who have lower IQs than they but who excel in emotional intelligence skills."1
Discontent as a Motivator
Discontent, anxiety, and anger, if you use and harness it in a positive way, are some of the most powerful motivations you can have. Use them if you're not happy with where you are right now. Find an area of discontent, think things through, and take action.

Case in Point Jim Clark
When asked "What Traits Should Every Good Entrepreneur Possess?", Jim Clark who a billionaire who was involved in starting Netscape, Silicon Graphics and many other start-up ventures, answered, "Discontent and anxiety."
Creative Visualization
Creative visualization helps you use your natural creative imagination in a more conscious way to create a clear image, idea or feeling sense of what you really want and to achieve your goal by focusing constantly on it and giving it your positive energy until it becomes objective reality... More
Fear as a Motivator
You have two ways to go with fear. You can weaken the negative ones or strengthen the empowering ones.4
Take in mind a goal that you wish to achieve. Be specific about what you want and why you want it. Once you have your chosen goal in mind, it's time to create some fear. Imagine that you lived the rest of your life never having achieved your goal, and you never realized your potential or what you were capable of. Create as horrible a picture as you can about this possible future. Think about how you'll feel about yourself, how others will feel about you, and how much it will hurt to know that you'll never do the things you wanted to do. And most effective of all, you never became the person you always knew you could be.
You now have fear working for you. Human beings will do most anything to avoid an intensely painful situation. By using this to your advantage you will be motivated to achieve your goal and avoid the pain of regret.4

Wise words from Bill Gates
Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things learners did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good,politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.

Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2 : The world won’t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won’t be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.
Rule 6: If you mess up, it’s not your parents’ fault, so don’t whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren’t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent’s generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they’ll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn’t bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.
Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.

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asisma12 September 2007, 12:01 PM
"Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan kritik,ia akan belajar menghukum.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan permusuhan, ia akan belajar kekerasan.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan olokan,ia belajar menjadi malu.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan rasa malu, ia akan merasa bersalah.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan dorongan, ia akan belajar percaya diri.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan keadilan,ia akan belajar menjalankan keadilan.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan ketentraman,ia belajar tentang iman.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan dukungan,ia belajar menyukai diri sendiri.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan penerimaan serta persahabatan,ia belajar untuk
mencintai dunia.

;) :) :]

lagu_cinta12 September 2007, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by asisma
"Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan kritik,ia akan belajar menghukum.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan permusuhan, ia akan belajar kekerasan.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan olokan,ia belajar menjadi malu.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan rasa malu, ia akan merasa bersalah.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan dorongan, ia akan belajar percaya diri.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan keadilan,ia akan belajar menjalankan keadilan.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan ketentraman,ia belajar tentang iman.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan dukungan,ia belajar menyukai diri sendiri.
Kalau seorang anak hidup dengan penerimaan serta persahabatan,ia belajar untuk
mencintai dunia.

;) :) :]

wise word...
Kita ada di dunia bukan untuk mencari seseorang yang sempurna untuk dicintai
TETAPI untuk belajar mencintai orang yang tidak sempurna dengan cara yang

zasachi12 September 2007, 12:48 PM
Orang yang terlalu banyak memiliki sesuatu, sering tidak bisa lagi menghargai
apa yg dimilikinya

asisma12 September 2007, 12:56 PM
Kesejahteraan adalah gagasan,diperlukan langkah nayta untuk mewujudkannya .
kesejahteraan adalah tunas harapan, diperlukan optimisme untuk menumbuhkannya.
Kesejahteraan adalah usaha,diperlukan keteguhan hati untuk mencapainya. ;)

asisma12 September 2007, 12:57 PM
Kesejahteraan adalah gagasan,diperlukan langkah nayta untuk mewujudkannya .
kesejahteraan adalah tunas harapan, diperlukan optimisme untuk menumbuhkannya.
Kesejahteraan adalah usaha,diperlukan keteguhan hati untuk mencapainya. ;)

zasachi12 September 2007, 01:30 PM
Berhati2lah terhadap teman anda yg kerap menceritakan keburukan org lain pada
anda, karena pada suatu saat dia juga bakal menceritakan keburukan anda pada org

asisma27 September 2007, 07:42 PM
Wanita dinikahi karena empat hal:
karena hartanya,karena keturunannya,karena kecantikannya,dan karena agamanya.
Maka hendaklah kamu pilih karena agamanya, sebab kalau tidak demikian, niscaya
kamu akan celaka.

asisma27 September 2007, 07:45 PM
Manakala seorang gadis telah menarik perhatian, maka carilah berbagai informasi
tentang dirinya. Kumpulkan data tentang dia dari keluarga,sahabat,orang terdekat
dan semua orang yang berada di lingkungannya. Tanyakanlah pada mereka tentang
gadis itu. Baru kemudian anda merasa mantap dengan pilihan anda, Lamarlah dia.

641894 October 2007, 05:54 PM
very wise

Jongmaleo854 October 2007, 09:15 PM
walaupun kita nakal...
jadilah anak nakal yang berpendidikan...
jangan dah nakanl gak berpendidikan...
mau jadi apa nanti..

asisma5 October 2007, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by cl_pacini
walaupun kita nakal...
jadilah anak nakal yang berpendidikan...
jangan dah nakanl gak berpendidikan...
mau jadi apa nanti..


sanjaya-p5 October 2007, 05:43 PM
kalau seorang anak hidup dengan iman yang sholeh maka ia akan membawa kesejukan
bagi alam semesta:angel

:angel :angel :angel :angel

Jongmaleo855 October 2007, 08:37 PM
lebih baik jalan menunduk...
daripada mendongak...

Jongmaleo855 October 2007, 08:39 PM
jangan pernah menyesali keberadaanmu...
karena sesungguhnya tidak ada keberadaan seseorang yang patut ditertawakan...

Jongmaleo855 October 2007, 08:40 PM
janganlah kita merusak alam lebih dari ini...
karena alam juga dapat murka!!!

efendi_news6 October 2007, 12:28 AM
ini cocoknya dimasukan dlm forum puisi deh

Jongmaleo856 October 2007, 02:49 PM
janganlah melupakan hal2 yang telah terjadi
karena itu bisa menjadi pembelajaran bagi kita

Qol7 October 2007, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by cl_pacini
lebih baik jalan menunduk...
daripada mendongak...

tapi kalo truz jalan menunduk,gimana kalo nabrak????

Qol7 October 2007, 11:21 AM
Jangan pernah menyerah jika mengalami suatu kegagalan, karena sesungguhnya
kegagalan itu adalah kesuksesan yang tertunda.


Jongmaleo857 October 2007, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Qol
Originally posted by cl_pacini
lebih baik jalan menunduk...
daripada mendongak...

tapi kalo truz jalan menunduk,gimana kalo nabrak????

paling kejeduk...

Jongmaleo857 October 2007, 05:29 PM
jangan menyerah sebelum berperang...
karena kita tidak dapat mengetahui hasil akhir yang sebenarnya...

618517 October 2007, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by cl_pacini
jangan menyerah sebelum berperang...
karena kita tidak dapat mengetahui hasil akhir yang sebenarnya...

Kegagalan adalah kemenangan yg tetunda..

Berarti kemenangan adalah kegagalan yg tertunda..


Adolz7 October 2007, 07:57 PM
Sedikit-dikit lama2 jadi banyak 8)

Adolz7 October 2007, 07:57 PM
1 kali dayung 1~3 cm terlampaui 8)

Adolz7 October 2007, 07:58 PM
Maju Yg Ceroboh adalah kegagalan
mundur lalu Maju adalah keberhasilan

618518 October 2007, 04:41 AM
Originally posted by Adolz
Maju Yg Ceroboh adalah kegagalan
mundur lalu Maju adalah keberhasilan


Kata bijak lo yg ini h=gw g ngerti maksudny??

Sorry, tp mang gw hr ini rada...

Yugi8 October 2007, 04:45 AM
Originally posted by Adolz
Maju Yg Ceroboh adalah kegagalan
mundur lalu Maju adalah keberhasilan

mmhh mmhh patut d contoh

Adolz8 October 2007, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by naomi_devina
Originally posted by Adolz
Maju Yg Ceroboh adalah kegagalan
mundur lalu Maju adalah keberhasilan


Kata bijak lo yg ini h=gw g ngerti maksudny??

Sorry, tp mang gw hr ini rada...

yah anggap lah lagi perang...
kalo perang asal maju aj pasti kalah perang, jadi mundur dulu,bikin strategi,
baru lah maju, kurang lebih begitu maksudnya ;)

618518 October 2007, 06:59 AM
Originally posted by Adolz
Originally posted by naomi_devina
Originally posted by Adolz
Maju Yg Ceroboh adalah kegagalan
mundur lalu Maju adalah keberhasilan


Kata bijak lo yg ini h=gw g ngerti maksudny??

Sorry, tp mang gw hr ini rada...

yah anggap lah lagi perang...
kalo perang asal maju aj pasti kalah perang, jadi mundur dulu,bikin strategi,
baru lah maju, kurang lebih begitu maksudnya ;)

Gmana klo option nya ada 4:
1. Maju ceroboh?
2. Mundur lalu maju?
3. Mundur dan g maju-maju?
4. Maju terus pantang mundur, kaya´ team 7 gitu deh,,?

Hayyoo,, bingung y mau jawab apa?:haha

618518 October 2007, 08:27 AM
Hayooo, g ada yg bisa jawab ya?

Adolz8 October 2007, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by naomi_devina
Originally posted by Adolz
Originally posted by naomi_devina
Originally posted by Adolz
Maju Yg Ceroboh adalah kegagalan
mundur lalu Maju adalah keberhasilan


Kata bijak lo yg ini h=gw g ngerti maksudny??

Sorry, tp mang gw hr ini rada...

yah anggap lah lagi perang...
kalo perang asal maju aj pasti kalah perang, jadi mundur dulu,bikin strategi,
baru lah maju, kurang lebih begitu maksudnya ;)

Gmana klo option nya ada 4:
1. Maju ceroboh?
2. Mundur lalu maju?
3. Mundur dan g maju-maju?
4. Maju terus pantang mundur, kaya´ team 7 gitu deh,,?

Hayyoo,, bingung y mau jawab apa?:haha

option nomor 2 ;)

Plasa Forum v3.7.2, Copyright ©2000-2008, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.

Vocabulary III

Complete the following 50 multiple-choice questions to estimate your vocabulary size. Choose one of 4 choices that's most appropriate for the word underlined in the sentence.
1 Many of the questions raised pertaining to cultural issues are new.

a) an important question in dispute and must be settled
b) insurance
c) trouble
d) publication

2 To help meet this need, we have compiled an annotated bibliography of models for evaluating open learning approaches and associated technologies.
a) associating
b) related
c) advanced
d) new

3 He had an edge on the competition.
a) border
b) a slight advantage
c) a slight margin
d) success

4 The applicants of the Proposal Competition are invited to provide the Frontier Science Research City Project with visions for creating a 21st century-style city.
a) performance
b) plan
c) business
d) communication

5 The dollar fell against the Euro for the fourth day in five and dropped against the yen on concern a recovery in the US economy is faltering.
a) evidence
b) interest
c) worry
d) relief

6 I wonder if that factor is going to impact on XYZ Corp.
a) element
b) person
c) event
d) action

7 Specifically, we are disappointed with the new emphasis on so-called high stakes testing as an instrument to assess and rank schools.
a) a device
b) a test
c) a system
d) a way

8 It is almost impossible to get it done today.
a) implicit
b) trivial
c) insignificant
d) totally unlikely

9 The closest the world has come to nuclear war was the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962.
a) mission
b) atomic bomb
c) election
d) a rocket-propelled vehicle

10 The Complete and Utter Idiot's Guide to Ordering Pizza
a) new
b) absolute
c) practical
d) short

11 Would you prefer to rotate meeting locations or have a consistent meeting place?
a) alternate
b) set up
c) rent
d) inspect

12 The students will perform activities to learn how estimation and measurement would be important in the construction industry.
a) surveying
b) dimension
c) development
d) budget

13 He has a unique talent to inspire and compel each person to recognize his or her own personal uniqueness and value.
a) force
b) cheer
c) command
d) lead

14 Survey show that the silence majority agree with me and not you.

a) minority
b) major
c) senior
d) bulk

15 The lowering of the threat level is not a signal to government, law enforcement or citizens that the danger of a terrorist attack is passed.
a) throat
b) thread
c) territory
d) terror

16 That person can help you decide whether you do need to lose weight and, if so, the best way to achieve and maintain a weight that is healthy for you.
a) reduce
b) increase
c) alter
d) hold

17 This is a short report on our trip to Colorado.
a) strip
b) journey
c) mission
d) research

18 The estimates above could therefore represent an under-estimate of the total consumer detriment in the economy.
a) population
b) confidence
c) damage
d) behavior

19 Ooops, I meant to say shouldn't deny love.
a) refuse
b) addict to
c) hurt
d) confuse

20 Nobody asked me to prove it.
a) show evidence of
b) test
c) demonstrate
d) investigate

21 Scripture does not forbid anything which God has given us for our use.
a) support
b) encourage
c) describe
d) prevent

22 It wasn't long before she was off the hill
a) hip
b) natural elevation
c) mountain
d) pond

23 We're seeking to strengthen intellectual property protection.
a) increase
b) fortify
c) improve
d) change

24 In this sample chapter, you'll learn how to compose a message and send it.
a) write
b) compile
c) complain
d) conduct

25 Students seem to complain about the lack of a dating scene.
a) scenario
b) picture
c) shot
d) guide

26 The risk of loss or damage is transferred to the buyer.
a) replaced
b) minimized
c) shifted
d) diminished

27 Great Lakes signal great shift in seasonal changes.
a) translation
b) shaft
c) switch
d) example

28 The holes should be a little larger than the coin or washer.
a) penny
b) metal
c) pipe
d) corn

29 So, your focus is not inward on your own processes, but outward, on supply chain processes.
a) based
b) dependent
c) inside
d) inbound

30 Ours is a field increasingly driven by both rapidly evolving solutions to existing problems and by new interpretations of the nature of the problems we face.
a) method
b) mixture
c) lotion
d) problem

31 How did she keep it secret for nine years.
a) secretary
b) mystery
c) hidden
d) information

32 The new program will integrate social and employment services with treatment for drug addicted persons and their families.
a) assistance
b) treat
c) care
d) discussion

33 Customers qualify for a Standard license if no Small Business Server software is currently licensed.
a) copy
b) permission
c) freedom
d) software

34 Each Christmas, our family enjoys decorating the tree with our homemade ornaments.
a) made by yourself
b) trendy
c) sophisticated
d) made by hand

35 Wall Street bankers met behind closed doors (under the auspices of the New York Federal Reserve Bank) to put the finishing touches on the renegotiation of Korea's short-term debt.
a) roof
b) protection
c) power
d) guidance

36 We also provide vacation & leisure travel for the employees of these top companies as well.
a) relaxation
b) freedom
c) fancy
d) discount

37 There are many things on the Net that are put there by one person or group that has a certain opinion.
a) credibility
b) idea
c) view
d) origination

38 Since his election to the Legislature in 1994, Sen. Kermit Brashear of Omaha has made a name for himself as a man who carefully considers what he believes in and then forcefully argues his point.
a) body of lawmakers
b) lecturer
c) congress
d) army

39 No wonder, many companies are finding difficult to sustain the growth.
a) expand
b) subdue
c) maintain
d) reverse

40 They're supposed to be preparing us for the meeting.
a) scheduled
b) believed
c) forced
d) replaced

41 Particular attention is paid to the repertoire and quality of performance presented on the audition.
a) originality
b) a collection of works
c) uniqueness
d) depth

42 Retail petrol price decreased in April.
a) gas
b) oil
c) computer
d) grain

43 Governor Bush and first lady proclaim September 23 Family Day in Florida.
a) claim
b) recognize
c) announce
d) declare formally

44 The Warden told him that I was his roommate before he died.
a) official in charge of army
b) official in charge of a company
c) official in charge of a prison
d) official in charge of a county

45 I like cauliflower.
a) flower
b) vegetable
c) fish
d) cat

46 Here it is paired with metallic twill, the latest trend in twill.
a) ornament
b) art work
c) shoe
d) cloth

47 These structural changes have also led to a palpable change in attitude towards foreign investment.
a) significant
b) dramatical
c) tangible
d) drastical

48 This paper is lighted in a way to accentuate the motley color distribution..
a) visible
b) fuzy
c) mixed
d) new

49 Plan to photograph stars along a swath running perpendicular to the Milky Way.
a) strip
b) vertical line
c) area
d) star

50 A new project is funded to investigate Estrogen's effects on the female body.
a) Yoga
b) vegetable
c) hormone
d) vitamin


Part One
Telling the Date and Time

A. Telling the Date

1. Say the year in pairs. Look at these examples!

1908 19.....08 nineteen oh-eight
1945 19.....45 nineteen ninety-five
2007 2000...7 two thousand and seven

2. When were they born? Fill in the year and say! You can change the pronoun.
Year Say
My wife
My first child
My second child
My father
My mother

3. Use ordinal numbers for dates. Practice saying these.
1st the first 16th the sixteenth 2nd the second 17th the seventeenth
3rd the third 18th the eightteenth 4th the fourth 19th the ninteenth
5th the fifth 20th twentieth
6th the sixth 21st the twenty-first 7th the seventh 22nd the twenty-second 8th the eighth 23rd the twenty-third 9th the ninth 24th the twenty fourth 10th the tenth 25th the twenty-fifth 11th the eleventh 26th the twenty-sixth
12th the twelfth 27th the twenty-seventh
13th the thirteenth 28th the twenty-eighth
14th the fourteenth 29th the twenty-ninth
15th the fifteenth 30th the thirtieth
31st the thirty-first

4. Look at this calendar. Say the dates.

JUNE 2007
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat
27 28 29 30 31 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 1 2 3 4 5 6

British (GB): Write: 9th June 2007 or dd/mm/yy (09/06/07)
Say : the ninth of June, two thousand and seven
or June the ninth, two thousand and seven

American (US): Write: June 9, 2007 or mm/dd/yy (06/09/07)
Say : June ninth, two thousand and seven

5. Write these dates!
a. 1. GB The eighth of June, nineteen ninety-four
b. 2. US September sixteenth, nineteen oh-two
c. 3. GB The eleventh of October, two thousand and three
d. 4. US July thirty-first, ninteen ninty-nine
e. 5. GB ............................................... 6/8/91
f. 6. US ............................................... 6/8/91
g. 7. GB ............................................... 20/10/07
h. 8. US ............................................... 12/14/96

B. Telling the Time

There are two ways to mention the time:
1. The Digital System – It’s ten forty-five

Look at these examples. Listen and repeat after the teacher’s.
a. 6.30 in the morning
b. 2.45 in the afternoon
c. 7.00 in the evening
d. 11.20 at night

When looking at a timetable, the 24 hour digital system is used:
e. 13.05 = thirteen oh-five
f. 19.55 = nineteen fifty-five
g. 21.10 = twenty-one ten

* am (ante meridien) is before 12 midday (12.00)
* pm (poste meridien) is from midday until midnight (00.00)

2. The Classical System – It’s a quarter to eleven

It’s 8 o’clock It’s half past 8 It’s a quarter past 8 It’s a quarter to 8

It’s 5 past 8 It’s 10 past 8 It’s 20 past 8 It’s 25 past 8

It’s 5 to 4 It’s 10 to 4 It’s 20 to 4 It’s 25 to 4

The questions: What’s the time?
What time is it?
What time do you make it? (if your watch / clock has stopped)
3. Exercise
a. Change to classical time!
1. 12.05 ................................................................
2. 14.25 .................................................................
3. 10.40 .................................................................
4. 20.55 .................................................................

b. Change to digital time!
1. a quarter to nine the morning ..............
2. 10 past 10 in the morning ..............
3. 5 to 1 in the morning ..............
4. 25 past 11 at night .............

C. American English & British English

Secara umum kedua macam bahasa Inggris ini sangat mirip. Tidak banyak perbedaannya baik grammar maupun spelling-nya, dan yang agak berbeda adalah vocabulary dan idiom-nya. Bahasa Inggris modern sangat terpengaruh oleh bahasa Inggris Amerika, sehingga perbedaannya menjadi hilang. Pronunciation kadang-kadang sangat berbeda, tetapi kebanyakan para pengguna bahasa Inggris, baik American maupun British, dapat mengerti satu sama lain tanpa kesulitan yang berarti.
Berikut adalah beberapa perbedaan umum antara bahasa Inggris Amerika & British:

He just went home. He has just gone home.
Do you have a problem? Have you got a problem?
I’ve never really gotten to know her. I’ve never really got to know her.
(on the phone) Hello, is this Susan? Hello, is that Susan?
It’s important that he be told. It’s important that he should be told.
He looked at me real strange. He looked at me really strangely.
One should get to know his neighbors. One should got to know one’s neighbours.
He probably has arrived. He has probably arrived.

airplane aeroplane
Anyplace anywhere
Apartment flat
area code dialling code (phone)
attorney/lawyer barrister/solicitor
Busy engaged (phone)
cab/taxi taxi
call collect reverse the charges (phone)
Can tin
Candy sweets
cookie, cracker biscuits
Crazy mad
Diaper nappy
doctor’s office doctor’s surgery
dumb, fool stupid
Elevator lift
Eraser rubber, eraser,
fall, autumn autumn (season)
first floor, second floor, etc. ground floor, first floor, etc.
Flashlight torch
french fries chips
garbage, trash rubbish
Gasoline petrol
highway, freeway main road
Intersection crossroad
Mad crazy
Mail post
Mean nasty
movie, film film
one-way (ticket) single (ticket)
pants, trousers trousers
Pavement road surface
Pitcher jug
chips (potato) crisps
Railroad railway
Raise rise (in salary)
rest room public toilet
schedule, timetable timetable
Sidewalk pavement
stand in line queue
store, shop shop
Subway underground
Truck lorry
two weeks fortnight, two weeks
Vacation holiday(s)
Zee zed (the letter ‘z’)

Aluminum aluminium

Analyze analyse
Catalog catalogue
Center centre
Check cheque (issued by a bank)
Color colour
Defense defence
Honor honour
Jewelry jewellery
Labor labour
Pajamas pyjamas
Paralyze paralyse
practice, practise practise (verb)
Program programme
Realize realise, realize
Theater theatre
Tire tyre (on a wheel)
fast: /fæst/ , after: /æfter fast /fa:st/ , after /a:fter
home: /houm/, go: /gou/, open: /οupen/ home: /hαum/, go: /gαu/, open: /αupen/
duty: /’du:ti/ duty: /’dju:ti/
tune: /tu:n/ tune: /tju:n/
new: /nu:/ new: /nju:/


Part Two
Nouns & Pronouns

A. Noun

Singular = one Plural = more than one
Add –s to make most nouns plural.
Singular Plural
a bird Two birds
one rose Five roses

Add –es to nouns ending in –sh, -ch, -ss, and –x to make plural nouns.
Singular Plural
one dish two dishes
one match five matches
one class ten classes
one box Three boxes

If a noun ends in –fe or -f, change the ending to –ves to make plural.
(Except: beliefs, chiefs, roofs, cuffs).

Singular Plural
one knife two knives
one shelf six shelves
a life many lives
one leaf nine leaves

If a noun ends in –o, sometimes changes the ending to –oes or –os to make plural.

Singular Plural
a tomato two tomatoes
one potato three potatoes
one hero three heroes
one zoo five zoos
one radio six radios
one studio eight studios
one zero two zeros/ zeroes
a volcano two volcanos/ volcanoes

Some nouns have irregular plural forms.

Singular Plural
a child two children
one foot three feet
a man/woman three men/women
one tooth five teeth
one mouse a hundred mice
one goose ten geese

Some plural nouns have same form as the singular form.

Singular Plural
an offspring two offspring
one species two species

Exercises: Write the plural form of the following nouns!

1. one child, three children. 11. a possibility, many ______.
2. one sandwich, two _______. 12. a wolf, three ________.
3. a wish, two _________. 13. one fish, two _______.
4. a mouse, several ________. 14. a tax, a lot of _______.
5. a flash, three _________. 15. one taxi, ten ________.
6. one category, two _________. 16. a belief, many _______.
7. an opinion, many _________. 17. a piano, many _______.
8. a thief, six _______. 18. one half, two ________.
9. one mosquito, hundreds ________. 19. one cassette, nine __________.
10. a butterfly, many _________. 20. a lady, two ______.

B. Personal Pronoun: Subject & Object

Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun
I Me
we Us
you You
she Her
he Him
it It
they Them

A pronoun refers to a noun. It is used in place of a noun.
A pronoun is used in the same ways as a noun: as a subject or as an object of a verb or preposition.
A pronoun can also refer to a noun phrase.

Example: Kate is married. She has two children.
Kate is my friend. I know her well.
Mike has a new blue bicycle. He gives it to his son.
Noun phrase

Singular Pronouns: I, we, you, she, he, it, they.
Plural Pronouns: we, us, you, they, them.

Singular pronouns refer to singular nouns. Plural pronouns refer to plural nouns.
Example: Mike is in class. He is taking a test.
The students are in class. They are taking a test.
Kate and Tom are married. They have two children.

Exercises: Choose the right pronouns!
1. Ms. Ann is my teacher. She / her wants to talk to I / me.
2. Nick eats dinner with I / me.
3. Nick eats dinner with Betty and I / me.
4. Nick eats dinner with we / us.
5. Please take this food and give it / them to the dog.
6. Please take this food scraps and give it / them to the dog.
7. Ted invites I / me to go to the game with he / him.
8. Ted invites Adam and I / me to go to the game with he / him.
9. I want to get movie tickets. I must get it / them immediately. It / they is / are selling fast.
10. Alex and I / me are good friens.


Part Three
Simple Present Tense

A. Usage
We use the Simple Present Tense to express events, situations, or activities that always, usually, habitually happen; they happen now, have happened in the past, and probably will happen in the future.
a. It snows in Alaska.
b. I watch television every night.
c. She usually eats lunch at the canteen.
d. The sky is blue.

B. Forms of Simple Present

a) Affirmative/Statement
Structure: S – Verb I

I Work
He Works

b) Negative
Structure: S – do/does not - Verb I

I do not Work
He does not

c) Interrogative/Question
Structure: Do/Does – S - Verb I

Do I work ?
Does he

Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences using the word within bracket!

1. Baby usually (sleep) __sleeps___ for ten hours every night.
2. Ali (speak) _____ Arabic. He is an Arabian.
3. My teacher usually (stay, not) _____ still in front of the class.
4. Mary always (eat) _____ dinner with her family around six o’clock.
5. (Rain, it) ______ a lot in southern Lombok Island ?
6. He (drink) ____ a cup of coffee every morning before he (go) ___ to work.
7. Alice (take, not) _____ the bus to school every day. She usually (walk) _____.
8. I never (eat) breakfast every morning.
9. Mr. Wong (teach) Chinese in class every day.
10. (teach, not, Mr. Wong) Chinese in class every day?
11. Alex and Ann (like) _____ to play catch at the beach.
12. She (understand, not) this lesson.
13. I (need) _____ to call my parent today.
14. Alex always (see) _____ the announcement on the board after school.

C. Short-Answer Question

Question Short Answer Long Answer
Does Bob like tea? Yes, he does. Yes, he likes tea.
No, he does not (doesn’t). No, he does not (doesn’t) like tea.
Do you like tea? Yes, I do. Yes, I like tea.
No, I do not (don’t). No, I do not (don’t) like tea.
Is Bob a student? Yes, he is. Yes, he is a student.
No, he is not (isn’t). No, he is not (isn’t) a student.
Are you a student? Yes, I am. Yes, I am (I’m) a student.
No, I am (I’m) not. No, I am (I’m) not a student.

Exercise 2. Complete the following dialogues using the word within bracket!

1. A: (Mary, have) Does Mary have a bicycle?
B: Yes, __she does__. She (have) __has__ a new bike.

2. A: (You, like) _______ orange juice?
B: No, _______. I (like) _____ ice tea.

3. A: (It, rain) _____ today?
B: No, ________. At least, I (think, not) _________ so.

4. A: (Your friends, write) _______ many letters?
B: Yes, _______. I (get) _____ many letters all the time.

5. A: (The students, take) _______ a quiz every week?
B: No, _______. They (do) _______ a home work every week.

6. A: (You, know) _______ Alex?
B: No, _______. I have never met him.

7. A: (Your desk, have) ________ any drawers?
B: Yes, _______. It (have) ________ six drawers.

8. A: (Jean, study) _______ at the library every day?
B: No, _______. She (be) _____ usually at the student union.

9. A: (Alex, play) ______ pool every evening?
B: No, ________. He usually (study) ______ at the library.

10. A: (Ann, be) _______ a good pool player?
B: Yes, _______. She (play) _____ pool three or four times a week.

11. A: (You, know) _______ how to play pool?
B: Yes, _______. But I (be, not) _____ very good.

12. A: Let’s play sometime.
B: Okay. That sounds (like) _______ fun.


Part Four
Present Progressive Tense
A. Usage
We use the Present Progressive Tense to express an event, a situation, or an activity that is in progress (is occurring; is happening); right now. The event is in progress at the time the speaker is saying the sentence. The event began in the past, is in progress now, and will probably continue into the future.
a. Ann can’t come to the phone right now because she is taking a shower.
b. It’s noon. I am watching television right now.
c. She is eating lunch at the canteen right now.
d. The baby is crying right now. Maybe it is hungry

B. Forms of Present Progressive

a) Affirmative/Statement
Structure: S – be - Verb I- ing

I am working
You are
He is working

b) Negative
Structure: S – be not - Verb I- ing

I am not
are not working
He is not working

c) Interrogative/Question
Structure: Be – S - Verb I- ing ?

Am I working ?
Are you
Is he working ?

Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences using the word within bracket!

1. Shhh! The baby (sleep) __ is sleeping___ right now.
2. Right now Ali (speak) _____ Arabic in class.
3. Our teacher (stand, not) _____ up right now.
4. Mary is at home. She (eat) _____ dinner with her family.
5. It (rain, not) ______ right now. The sun (shine) _____, and the sky (be) ___ blue.
6. Look out the window! It (rain)_____. I should take my umbrella.
7. Alice (sit) _____ at the breakfast table. She (read) _____ the morning newspaper..
8. There is a cartoon on TV, but the children (watch, not) _____ it. They (play) ____ with their toys instead.
9. Mr. Wong (teach) Chinese in class right now.
10. (Mr. Wong, teach) Chinese in class right now?
11. Look at there. Alex and Ann (be) _____ playing catch at the beach.
12. Listen! The teacher (read) a poem loudly.

C. Short-Answer Question

Question Short Answer Long Answer
Am I working ? Yes, I am.
No, I am not. Yes, I am working.
No, I am not working.
Are You Yes, you are.
No, you are not. Yes, you are working.
No, you are not working.
We Yes, we are.
No, we are not. Yes, we are working.
No, we are not working.
They Yes, they are.
No, they are not. Yes, they are working.
No, they are not working.
Is He Yes, he is.
No, he is not. Yes, he is working.
No, he is not working.
She Yes, she is.
No, she is not. Yes, she is working.
No, she is not working.
It Yes, it is.
No, it is not. Yes, it is working.
No, it is not working.
Note: Am, is, and are are not contracted with pronouns in short answer.

D. Non Progressive Verbs

Some verbs are not used in progressive tenses.
Example: - I hear a bird (right now).
- I’m hungry. I want a sandwich.
- This book belongs to Michael.

Some of the non progressive verbs:
hear know possess like
see be belong love
believe exist need hate
think* own want forget
understand have* prefer remember

*Sometimes think and have are used in progressive tenses.
Example: - I think that grammar is easy.
(When think means believe, it is non progressive)
- I am thinking about grammar right now.
(When think expresses thoughts that are going through a person’s mind, it can be progressive)
- Tom has a car.
(When have expresses possession, it is not used in present progressive)
- I am having about a good time.
(In certain idiomatic expression (e.g., have a good time), have can be used in the present progressive)

Exercise 2. Complete the following dialogues using the word within bracket!

1. A: (Mary, have) Is Mary having breakfast?
B: Yes, __she is__. She (have) __is having__ breakfast with her family.

2. A: (It, rain) _____ right now?
B: No, ________. We can go out now.

3. A: (The students, take) _______ a quiz right now?
B: No, _______. They (do) _______ an exercise.

4. A: (You, look) _______ for Alex?
B: Yes, _______. I want to talk to him now.

5. A: (Your father, fix) ________ the chair?
B: Yes, _______. He likes that job.

6. A: (Jean, study) _______ at the library right now?
B: No, _______. She (be) _____ at the student union.

7. A: (Alex, play) ______ pool right now?
B: No, ________. He (study) ______ at the library.

8. A: (Ann, play) _______ well in pool game?
B: Yes, _______..

9. A: (You, write) _______ a letter?
B: Yes, _______. I want to reply the letter from my friend.

10. A: (They, meet) ______?
B: Yes _______. I guess it’s about to finish.


Part Five
Simple Past Tense

A. Usage
We use the Simple Past Tense to express events, situations, or activities that began and ended in the past (e.g., yesterday, last night, two years ago, in 1966, etc.)
a. It happened yesterday.
b. I watched that program on the television last week.
c. She ate lunch at the restaurant two days ago.
d. The sky was dark this morning.

B. Forms of Simple Past Tense

a) Affirmative/Statement
Structure: S – Verb II

I worked

b) Negative
Structure: S – did not - Verb I

I did not
(didn’t) work

c) Interrogative/Question
Structure: Did – S - Verb I

Did I work ?

Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences using the word within bracket!

1. The baby (cry) __cried___ so loud last night.
2. Ali (be) _____ a clever student two years ago. Now he is a success businessman.
3. My teacher (not, want) _____ to give us recourse. Let me try again to ask him now.
4. Mary (eat) _____ dinner with her family at the restaurant last night.
5. (Rain, it) ______ a lot in southern Lombok Island last year?
6. He (drink) ____ a cup of coffee this morning before he (go) ___ to work.
7. Alice (take, not) _____ the bus to school today. She (walk) _____ instead
8. I (have) sandwich and a cup of coffee for breakfast this morning.
9. Mr. Wong (teach) Chinese in our class last month.
10. ( Mr. Wong, teach) Chinese in our class last month?
11. Alex and Ann (like, not) _____ play catch at the beach. But now they do.
12. She (understand, not) ___this lesson at first. But now, she is the best among us.
13. I (write) _____ a letter to my parent yesterday.
14. Alex (see) _____ the announcement just now.

C. Short-Answer Question

Question Short Answer Long Answer
Did I work ? Yes, I did.
No, I did not (didn’t). Yes, I worked.
No, I did not (didn’t) work.
you Yes, you did.
No, you did not (didn’t). Yes, you are working.
No, you did not (didn’t) work.
we Yes, we did.
No, we did not (didn’t). Yes, we are working.
No, we did not (didn’t) work.
they Yes, they did.
No, they did not (didn’t). Yes, they are working.
No, they did not (didn’t) work.
he Yes, he did.
No, he did not (didn’t). Yes, he is working.
No, he did not (didn’t) work.
she Yes, she did.
No, she did not (didn’t). Yes, she is working.
No, she did not (didn’t) work.
it Yes, it did.
No, it did not (didn’t). Yes, it is working.
No, it did not (didn’t) work.
Was I busy ?
Yes, I was.
No, I was not. Yes, I was busy.
No, I was not (wasn’t) busy.
Were you Yes, you were.
No, you won’t. Yes, you were busy.
No, you won’t (weren’t) busy.
we Yes, we were.
No, we were not. Yes, we were busy.
No, we were not (weren’t) busy.
they Yes, they were.
No, they were not. Yes, they were busy.
No, they were not (weren’t) busy.
Was he Yes, he was.
No, he was not. Yes, he was busy.
No, he was not (wasn’t) busy.
she Yes, she was.
No, she was not. Yes, she was busy.
No, she was not (wasn’t) busy.
it Yes, it was.
No, it was not. Yes, it was busy.
No, it was not (wasn’t) busy.
Note: Did is not used with was and were.

Exercise 2. Complete the following dialogues using the word within bracket!

1. A: (Mary, watch) Did Mary watch the program on TV last night?
B: Yes, __she did__. She (watch) __ watched __ the program.

2. A: (He, walk) _______ to school this morning?
B: Yes, _______. He (walk) _____ together with his friends.

3. A: (You, study) _______ hard last night?
B: Yes, _______. I (study) _____ Structure I.

4. A: (The students, be) _______ busy yesterday?
B: Yes, _______. They (do) _______ an exercise.

5. A: (You, know) _______ Alex just now?
B: No, _______. I have never met him.

6. A: (Your desk, have) ________ any drawers yesterday?
B: Yes, _______. It (have) ________ six drawers.

7. A: (Jean, study) _______ at the library this morning?
B: No, _______. She (be) _____ at the student union.

8. A: (Alex, play) ______ pool two days ago?
B: No, ________. He (study) ______ at the library.

9. A: (Ann, be) _______ a good pool player before she got married?
B: Yes, _______. She (play) _____ pool three or four times a week at that time.

10. A: (You, climb) _______ last month?
B: Yes, _______. I (climb) _____ Rinjani Mountain.

D. Regular / Irregular Verbs
* The simple form is the form that is found in a dictionary. It is the base form with no endings on it (no final –s, -ed, or –ing).
* The simple past form is a form ends in –ed for regular verbs.
* Most verbs are regular, but many common verbs have irregular past forms.
Some regular and irregular verbs

Simple Form
(Verb I) Simple Past (Verb II)
Regular Verbs finish

Irregular Verbs see
was, were

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences using simple past of the verbs within bracket!

1. Sue (drink) __drank___ a cup of coffee before class this morning.
2. We (eat) _____ a delicious dinner at Mexican restaurant last night.
3. When it (begin) ______ to rain yesterday afternoon, I (shut) _____all of the windows in the apartment.
4. I (read) _______ an interesting article in the newspaper yesterday.
5. Jack (lose) ______ his pocket-knife at park yesterday. This morning he (go) _____ back to the park to look for it. Finally he (find) ______ it in the grass. He was glad to have it back.
6. Jessica (do, not) _______ throw her old shoes away. She (keep) ________ them because they were comfortable.
7. I (meet) _____ Ann’s parents when they (visit) ______her. She (introduce) ______ me to them.
8. Yesterday I (call) ______ Jason on the phone. He (be, not) _____ home, so I (speak) ______ to his sister.
9. When I (take) ______ Tom to Suzy, they (shake) ______ hands and (smile) ____ each other.
10. John (hurt) _____ his finger when he (be) _____ fixing his dinner last night. He accidentally (cut) ______ it with a sharp knife.
11. (Do) ____ it rain last night?
12. (Be) _____ you student of ABA BG Mataram last year?


Part Six
Past Progressive Tense

A. Usage
We use the Past Progressive Tense to express an event, a situation, or an activity that was in progress (was occurring; was happening); at a point of time in the past (e.g., at 06.30) or at the time of another action (e.g., when Tom came.).

a. I was eating dinner when Tom came last night.
b. I was watching television when the phone rang..
c. When the baby was crying she was sleeping.
d. She was sleeping while the baby was crying.

B. Forms of Present Progressive

a) Affirmative/Statement
Structure: S – was/were - Verb I- ing

I was working
You were
He was working

b) Negative
Structure: S – wasn’t/weren’t - Verb I- ing

I was not working
You were not
He was not working

c) Interrogative/Question
Structure: Was/Were – S - Verb I- ing ?

Was I working ?
Were you
Was he working ?

C. Short-Answer Question
Question Short Answer Long Answer
Was I working ? Yes, I was.
No, I was not. Yes, I was working.
No, I was not working.
Were You Yes, you were.
No, you were not. Yes, you were working.
No, you were not working.
We Yes, we were.
No, we are not. Yes, we were working.
No, we were not working.
They Yes, they were.
No, they were not. Yes, they were working.
No, they were not working.
Was He Yes, he was.
No, he was not. Yes, he was working.
No, he was not working.
She Yes, she was.
No, she was not. Yes, she was working.
No, she was not working.
It Yes, it was.
No, it was not. Yes, it was working.
No, it was not working.

Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences using the word within bracket!

1. At 6:00 PM., Bob sat down at the table and began to eat. At 6:05, Bob (eat) __ was eating___ dinner.
2. While Bob (eat) _____ dinner, Ann (come) _______ through the door.
3. In other words, when Ann (come) ___ through the door, Bob (eat) ____ dinner..
4. Bob went to bed at 10:30. At 11:00 Bob (sleep) ________.
5. While Bob (sleep) _______, the phone (ring) _______.
6. In other words, when the phone (ring) ______ Bob (sleep) _______..
7. Bob left his house at 8:00 A.M. and (begin) ______ to walk to class. While he (walk) _______ to class, he (see) _______ Mrs. Smith.
8. When Bob (see) _______ Mrs. Smith, she (stand) ______ on her front porch. She (hold) _____ a broom. Mrs. Smith (wave) _______ at Bob when she (see) _______ him.
9. I (study) ______ when Fred (come) _______..
10. While I (study) _____ last night, Fred (drop by) ____ to visit me.
11. My roommate’s parents (call) ____ him last night while we (watch) ____ TV.
12. Yesterday I (go) ____ to visit my uncle. When I (get) _____ there around two o’clock, my uncle (be) ____ in the yard.


Part Seven
Simple Future Tense

A. Usage
We use the Future Tense to express an event, a situation, or an activity that will happen at a one particular time in the future.
a. It will snow tomorrow.
b. I will watch television tonight.
c. He will finish his work next week.
d. She is going to see her parents next holidays.

B. Forms of Present Progressive

a) Affirmative/Statement
Structure: S – will/be going to - Verb I

will / shall / am going to
will / shall / are going to

You will / are going to
He will / is going to

Note: The use of shall with I or we to express future time is possible but uncommon in American English. Shall is used much more frequently in British than in American English.

b) Negative
Structure: S – won’t/be not going to - Verb I

will not (won’t) / shall not (shan’t) / am not going to
will not (won’t) / shall not (shan’t) / are not (aren’t) going to

You will not (won’t) / are not (aren’t) going to
He will not (won’t) / is not (isn’t) going to

c) Interrogative / Question
Structure: Will/Shall/Be going to – S - Verb I ?

Will / Shall I come? Am I going to come?
we Are we
Will you you
they they
he Is he
she she
it it

C. Short-Answer Question

Question Short Answer Long Answer
Will / Shall I work? Yes, I will/shall.
No, I won’t/shan’t. Yes, I will/shall come.
No, I won’t/shan’t come.
we Yes, we will/shall.
No, we won’t/shan’t. Yes, we will/shall come.
No, we won’t/shan’t come.
Will you Yes, you will.
No, you won’t. Yes, you will come.
No, you won’t come.
they Yes, they will.
No, they won’t. Yes, they will come.
No, they won’t come.
he Yes, he will.
No, he won’t. Yes, he will come.
No, he won’t come.
she Yes, she will.
No, she won’t. Yes, she will come.
No, she won’t come.
it Yes, it will.
No, it won’t. Yes, it will come.
No, it won’t come.
Am I going to work? Yes, I am.
No, I am not. Yes, I’m going to come.
No, I’m not going to come.
Are we Yes, we are.
No, we are not. Yes, we are going to come.
No, we are not going to come.
you Yes, you are.
No, you are not. Yes, you are going to come.
No, you are not going to come.
they Yes, they are.
No, they are not. Yes, they are going to come.
No, they are not going to come.
Is he Yes, he is.
No, he is not. Yes, he is going to come.
No, he is not going to come.
she Yes, she is.
No, she is not. Yes, she is going to come.
No, she is not going to come.
it Yes, it is.
No, it is not. Yes, it is going to come.
No, it is not going to come.

Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences using will/shall/be going to!

1. A: Why did you buy this flour?
B: I ’m going to make some bread.

2. A: Could someone get me a glass of water?
B: Certainly, I will (‘ll)_ get you one. Would you like some ice in it?.

3. A: Could someone please open the window?
B: I ______ do it.

4. I arranged to borrow some money because I ________ buy a motorcycle tomorrow.

5. A: Can I borrow this book?
B: Sure. But I need it back soon.
A: I _______ return it tomorrow. Okay?

6. A: I _______ wear a dark suit to the wedding reception. How about you?
B: I’m not sure.

7. A: What are your vacation plans?
B: I _________ spend two weeks on a Greek island.
A: I _______ return it tomorrow. Okay?

8. A: Gee, I’d really like an ice cream cone, but I didn’t bring any money with me.
B: That’s okay. I _______ get one for you.
A: Thanks!

9. A: This letter is in French, and I don’t speak a word of French. Can you help me?
B: Sure. I (translate) _______ it for you.

10. A: Do you want to go shopping with me? ( I (go) _______ to the mall.
B: Sure. What time do you want to leave?

11. A: It’s cold here.
B: I agree. I (turn) _______ the heater on.
A: That’s good idea.

12. A: Oh, oh! I’ve spilled coffee on my shirt.
B: Just a minute. I (get) ________ a damp cloth for you.


Part Eight
Future Progressive Tense

A. Usage
We use the Past Progressive Tense to express an event, a situation, or an activity that will be in progress at a point of time in the future.

a. I will be eating dinner when Tom comes at eight.
b. At this time tomorrow, I will be watching television at home.
c. Don’t call at nine because I won’t be home. I am going to be studying at the library.
d. Don’t get impatient. She will be coming soon.

B. Forms of Present Progressive

a) Affirmative/Statement
Structure: S – will/be going to – be – verb I – ing

will / shall / am going to
be coming.
will / shall / are going to

You will / are going to
He will / is going to

b) Negative
Structure: S – won’t/be not going to – be– Verb I – ing.

won’t / shan’t / am not going to
be coming.
won’t / shan’t / are not going to

You won’t / are not going to
He won’t / is not going to

c) Interrogative / Question
Structure: Will/Shall/Be– S – going to – be – Verb I – ing?

Will / Shall I coming? Am I going to coming?
we Are we
Will you you
they they
he Is he
she she
it it

C. Short-Answer Question

Question Short Answer Long Answer
Will / Shall I be coming? Yes, I will/shall.
No, I won’t/shan’t. Yes, I will/shall be coming.
No, I won’t/shan’t be coming.
we Yes, we will/shall.
No, we won’t/shan’t. Yes, we will/shall be coming.
No, we won’t/shan’t be coming.
Will you Yes, you will.
No, you won’t. Yes, you will be coming.
No, you won’t be coming.
they Yes, they will.
No, they won’t. Yes, they will be coming.
No, they won’t be coming.
he Yes, he will.
No, he won’t. Yes, he will be coming.
No, he won’t be coming.
she Yes, she will.
No, she won’t. Yes, she will be coming.
No, she won’t be coming.
it Yes, it will.
No, it won’t. Yes, it will be coming.
No, it won’t be coming.
Am I going to be coming? Yes, I am.
No, I am not. Yes, I’m going to be coming.
No, I’m not going to be coming.
Are we Yes, we are.
No, we are not. Yes, we are going to be coming.
No, we are not going to be coming.
you Yes, you are.
No, you are not. Yes, you are going to be coming.
No, you are not going to be coming.
they Yes, they are.
No, they are not. Yes, they are going to be coming.
No, they are not going to be coming.
Is he Yes, he is.
No, he is not. Yes, he is going to be coming.
No, he is not going to be coming.
she Yes, she is.
No, she is not. Yes, she is going to be coming.
No, she is not going to be coming.
it Yes, it is.
No, it is not. Yes, it is going to be coming.
No, it is not going to be coming.

Complete the following sentences!

1. Tomorrow at this time, I (attend) ________ class.

2. When I (get) _______ up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) _____, the birds (sing) _______.

3. A: When do you leave for Florida?
B: Tomorrow. Just think. Two days from now ( (lie) _______ on the beach in the sun.
A: Sounds great! I (think) ______ about you.

4. A: How can I get in touch with you while you’re out of town?
B: I (stay) ________ at the Pilgrim Hotel. You can reach me there.

5. A: Next year at this time, I (do) _____ exactly what I am doing now. I ( attend) _________ school and (study) __________ hard next year.

6. A: Are going to be in town Saturday?
B: No, I (visit) _________ my aunt in Chicago.

7. (Stay) ___________ here in this evening?.

8. Don’t phone now, they (have) ________ lunch.

9. I (work) __________ all day tomorrow.

10. Prof. Smith (give) _______ another lecture at the same time next week.



I. Choose TRUE or FALSE of the following sentences!

Ex.: He were in the room all day long yesterday.
> False. (wrong to be)

They go to school by bus everyday.
> True.

1. Alex will came here next week. _____
2. Jim wasn’t work yesterday. ______
3. When are you finish your work? _______
4. My sister’s plane will arrive at 10:35. ______
5. Does Prof. Syarifudin teaching that course? ______
6. Cat likes milk. ______
7. The teacher will going to explain the lesson. _______
8. Ali is speaking English everyday. _______
9. The cup fell to the floor. _______
10. Are you listening to me? _______

II. Make sentences using the following verbs and tenses!

Examples: a. (climb/next week)
I am going to climb Mt. Rinjani next week. Or
They will climb Mt. Rinjani next week.

b. (not work/today)
He doesn’t work today. Or
I don’t work today.

1. (make/last Sunday)
2. (angry/last night)
3. (write/now)
4. (wait/for two hours)
5. (kill/a week ago)

III. Complete the following sentences!

Example: Shhh! The baby (sleep) is sleeping. The baby (sleep) sleeps for ten hours every night.

1. Ali (speak) __________ Indonesian. Indonesian is his native, but right now he (speak) _________ English.
2. Right now I’m in class. I (sit) __________ at my desk. I usually (sit) ________ at the same desk everyday.
3. I will (come) ______________ to the English class tomorrow.
4. John (finish) ___________ his work two hours ago.
5. I (eat) ___________ breakfast this morning.
6. She will (succeed) ____________ because she works hard.
7. Jim (have) ___________ already (eat) _____________ breakfast.
8. Adam (have) ___________ been (sit) _____________ here for 45 minutes.
9. I (be) _________ in Europe last year.
10. He (be) ________ going to buy that book next week.
11. I arranged to borrow some money because I ________ buy a motorcycle tomorrow.

12. A: Can I borrow this book?
B: Sure. But I need it back soon.
A: I _______ return it tomorrow. Okay?
13. A: I _______ wear a dark suit to the wedding reception. How about you?
B: I’m not sure.

14. A: What are your vacation plans?
B: I _________ spend two weeks on a Greek island.
A: I _______ return it tomorrow. Okay?
13. I (read) _______ an interesting article in the newspaper yesterday.
14. Jack (lose) ______ his pocket-knife at park yesterday. This morning he (go) _____ back to the park to look for it. Finally he (find) ______ it in the grass. He was glad to have it back.
15. Jessica (do, not) _______ throw her old shoes away. She (keep) ________ them because they were comfortable.
16. I (meet) _____ Ann’s parents when they (visit) ______her. She (introduce) ______ me to them.
17. Yesterday I (call) ______ Jason on the phone. He (be, not) _____ home, so I (speak) ______ to his sister.
18. A: Can I borrow this book?
B: Sure. But I need it back soon.
A: I _______ return it tomorrow. Okay?
