Cerita Bahasa Inggris Singkat Lengkap
Cerita Bahasa Inggris Singkat yang lengkap adalah sebuah artikel
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berbagai cerita pendek bahasa inggris yang siapa tau saja berguna untuk
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yang menarik di blog ini, buruuuuuuuuuuuuan.
Berikut kumpulan cerita pendek bahasa inggris nya :
cerita bahasa inggris Putri salju :
a long time ago, in neverland, there live a very beautiful princess,
Snow White. The Queen was her stepmother. she was very jealous of her
beauty. So she wanted her to die. Snow White knew about the evil plan.
She escaped into a forest. There she made friends with seven dwarfs.
The queen turned Snow White into a witch. Snow white did not realize it.
the witch gave her a poisoned apple. As a result, Snow White was put
into sleep for years. Fortunately, in the end, Prince charming revived
her with a kiss. They lived together happily ever after.
The Frog and the Crocodile
Once, there was a frog who lived in the middle of a swamp. His entire
family had lived in that swamp for generations, but this particular frog
decided that he had had quite enough wetness to last him a lifetime. He
decided that he was going to find a dry place to live instead.
The only thing that separated him from dry land was a swampy, muddy,
swiftly flowing river. But the river was home to all sorts of slippery,
slittering snakes that loved nothing better than a good, plump frog for
dinner, so Frog didn't dare try to swim across.
So for many days, the frog stayed put, hopping along the bank, trying to think of a way to get across.
The snakes hissed and jeered at him, daring him to come closer, but he
refused. Occasionally they would slither closer, jaws open to attack,
but the frog always leaped out of the way. But no matter how far
upstream he searched or how far downstream, the frog wasn't able to find
a way across the water.
He had felt certain that there would be a bridge, or a place where the
banks came together, yet all he found was more reeds and water. After a
while, even the snakes stopped teasing him and went off in search of
easier prey.
The frog sighed in frustration and sat to sulk in the rushes. Suddenly,
he spotted two big eyes staring at him from the water. The giant
log-shaped animal opened its mouth and asked him, "What are you doing,
Frog? Surely there are enough flies right there for a meal."
The frog croaked in surprise and leaped away from the crocodile. That
creature could swallow him whole in a moment without thinking about it!
Once he was a satisfied that he was a safe distance away, he answered.
"I'm tired of living in swampy waters, and I want to travel to the other
side of the river. But if I swim across, the snakes will eat me."
The crocodile harrumphed in agreement and sat, thinking, for a while.
"Well, if you're afraid of the snakes, I could give you a ride across,"
he suggested.
"Oh no, I don't think so," Frog answered quickly. "You'd eat me on the way over, or go underwater so the snakes could get me!"
"Now why would I let the snakes get you? I think they're a terrible
nuisance with all their hissing and slithering! The river would be much
better off without them altogether! Anyway, if you're so worried that I
might eat you, you can ride on my tail."
The frog considered his offer. He did want to get to dry ground very
badly, and there didn't seem to be any other way across the river. He
looked at the crocodile from his short, squat buggy eyes and wondered
about the crocodile's motives. But if he rode on the tail, the croc
couldn't eat him anyway. And he was right about the snakes--no
self-respecting crocodile would give a meal to the snakes.
"Okay, it sounds like a good plan to me. Turn around so I can hop on your tail."
The crocodile flopped his tail into the marshy mud and let the frog
climb on, then he waddled out to the river. But he couldn't stick his
tail into the water as a rudder because the frog was on it -- and if he
put his tail in the water, the snakes would eat the frog. They clumsily
floated downstream for a ways, until the crocodile said, "Hop onto my
back so I can steer straight with my tail." The frog moved, and the
journey smoothed out.
From where he was sitting, the frog couldn't see much except the back of
Crocodile's head. "Why don't you hop up on my head so you can see
everything around us?" Crocodile invited.
"But I don't want to see anything else," the frog answered, suddenly feeling nervous.
"Oh, come now. It's a beautiful view! Surely you don't think that I'm
going to eat you after we're halfway across. My home is in the marsh--
what would be the point of swimming across the river full of snakes if I
didn't leave you on the other bank?"
Frog was curious about what the river looked like, so he climbed on top
of Crocodile's head. The river looked almost pretty from this view. He
watched dragonflies darting over the water and smiled in anticipation as
he saw firm ground beyond the cattails. When the crocodile got close
enough, the frog would leap off his head towards freedom. He wouldn't
give the croc a chance to eat him.
"My nose tickles," the crocodile complained suddenly, breaking into the
frog's train of thought. "I think there might be a fly buzzing around it
somewhere, or a piece of cattail fluff swept into it while I was taking
you across the river."
"I don't see a fly," the frog said, peering at the crocodile's green
snout. It seemed odd that anything could tickle a crocodile through it's
thick skin.
"Would you go check my nose for a piece of cattail fluff, then?" the
crocodile begged, twitching his nose. "I'm afraid I'll sneeze and send
you flying. I don't want to feed you to the snakes." A tear seeped out
of his eye, as if he was holding back a mighty sneeze.
The bank isn't too far, the frog thought. And it's the least he could do
to repay him for bringing him over. So he hopped onto the crocodile's
snout and checked the nostrils. Just a little closer, and he could
jump... "I don't see--" he began.
Just then, with a terrific CHOMP! the frog disappeared. The crocodile
licked his lips in satisfaction and gave a tiny half-sneeze. "Good, I
feel much better already," he smiled, and turned around to go back home.
hmm, mau lagi ? silahkan yang punya cerita,puisi,cerpen kirim ke berry blog, itulah artikel singkat mengenai cerita bahasa inggris singkat atau dongeng bahasa inggris singkat dari berry blog.
Mau Lagi Click link berikut: Cerita Bahasa Inggris Terpopuler 2012
Bagi kamu yg mungkin
sedikit bingung melihat Fb ato twiiter nya orang bule yg pake singkatan2
ketika chat dgn kamu, mungkin ini bisa menjadi referensi yg bagus
,CTO(Check This Out ):
AFAIK = As Far As I Know = sepanjang yang saya tahu
ASAP= As Soon As Possible = sesegera mungkin
BTW = By The Way = ngomong-ngomong
CMIIW = Correct Me If I’m Wrong = benarkan bila saya salah
CP = Cross-Posting = posting double
LTNC = Long Time No See = lama tidak jumpa
FYI = For Your Information = sekadar info
HTH = Hope That Helped/Hope This Helps = semoga membantu
IAC = In Any Case = dalam situasi apapun
III= It Is Imposible = mustahil
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly = bila ingatan saya benar
IMO = In My Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion (rarely: In My Honest Opinion) = menurut
pendapat saya
IMNSHO = In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IOW = In Other Words = dengan kata lain
ISO = In Search Of = sedang mencari
LOL = Laughs Out Loud = tertawa terbahak-bahak
LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off = tertawa ngakak
OIC = Oh, I See = gitu ya..
OMG = Oh, My God =Oh Tuhan...
OTOH = On The Other Hand = Sebaliknya atau di sisi lain
OT = Off Topic = di luar topik
OOT = Out Of Topic = di luar topik
POV = Point Of View = pandangan / opini
PS = Post Scriptum; PostScript = di luar tulisan di atas (biasanya
setelah tulisan email / artikel selesai).
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing = tertawa ngakak
ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off = tertawa ngakak
SOL = Sorry, One Liner – kalau pesan anda pendek, cantumkan ini.
SSIA = Subject Says It All = subjek sudah menjelaskan isi
TBE = To Be Expected = diharapkan
TBH = To Be Honest = sejujurnya
TWIMC = To Whom It May Concern = pada siapa saja yang berkepentingan
TBYB = Try Before You Buy = coba sebelum membeli
TMA = Take My Advice = ambil nasihat saya
TIMTOWTDI = There Is More Than One Way To Do It = banyak jalan
TINALO = This Is Not A Legal Opinion = bukan pandangan hukum
TINAR = This Is Not A Recommendation = bukan rekomendasi
TIA = Thanks In Advance = terima kasih sebelumnya
TFTT = Thanks For The Thought = terima kasih pendapatnya
TYVM = Thank You Very Much = Terima Kasih Banyak
VOOT = Very Out Of Topic = gak nyambung banget
WOMBAT = Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time = buang uang, pikiran dan
WBS = Write Back Soon = saya balas segera suratnya
WRT = With Regard To; With Respect To = berkaitan dengan
WYGIWYPF = What You Get Is What You Pay For = apa yang kamu dapat itu
sesuai yang kamu bayar
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get = yang kamu lihat yang akan kamu
WTB = Want To Buy
WTS = Want To Sell
WTI = Want To Inform
WTA = Want To Ask
Original Post at: http://pranataharri.blogspot.com/2012/03/kata-kata-gaul-dalam-bahasa-inggris.html
Original Post at: http://pranataharri.blogspot.com/2012/03/kata-kata-gaul-dalam-bahasa-inggris.html
Kata-kata gaul dalam bahasa Inggris
Original Post at: http://pranataharri.blogspot.com/2012/03/kata-kata-gaul-dalam-bahasa-inggris.html
Original Post at: http://pranataharri.blogspot.com/2012/03/kata-kata-gaul-dalam-bahasa-inggris.html
Kata-kata gaul dalam
bahasa Inggris
Bagi kamu yg mungkin sedikit bingung melihat Fb ato twiiter nya orang
bule yg pake singkatan2 ketika chat dgn kamu, mungkin ini bisa menjadi
referensi yg bagus ,CTO(Check This Out ):
AFAIK = As Far As I Know = sepanjang yang saya tahu
ASAP= As Soon As Possible = sesegera mungkin
BTW = By The Way = ngomong-ngomong
CMIIW = Correct Me If I’m Wrong = benarkan bila saya salah
CP = Cross-Posting = posting double
LTNC = Long Time No See = lama tidak jumpa
FYI = For Your Information = sekadar info
HTH = Hope That Helped/Hope This Helps = semoga membantu
IAC = In Any Case = dalam situasi apapun
III= It Is Imposible = mustahil
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly = bila ingatan saya benar
IMO = In My Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion (rarely: In My Honest Opinion) = menurut
pendapat saya
IMNSHO = In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IOW = In Other Words = dengan kata lain
ISO = In Search Of = sedang mencari
LOL = Laughs Out Loud = tertawa terbahak-bahak
LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off = tertawa ngakak
OIC = Oh, I See = gitu ya..
OMG = Oh, My God =Oh Tuhan...
OTOH = On The Other Hand = Sebaliknya atau di sisi lain
OT = Off Topic = di luar topik
OOT = Out Of Topic = di luar topik
POV = Point Of View = pandangan / opini
PS = Post Scriptum; PostScript = di luar tulisan di atas (biasanya
setelah tulisan email / artikel selesai).
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing = tertawa ngakak
ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off = tertawa ngakak
SOL = Sorry, One Liner – kalau pesan anda pendek, cantumkan ini.
SSIA = Subject Says It All = subjek sudah menjelaskan isi
TBE = To Be Expected = diharapkan
TBH = To Be Honest = sejujurnya
TWIMC = To Whom It May Concern = pada siapa saja yang berkepentingan
TBYB = Try Before You Buy = coba sebelum membeli
TMA = Take My Advice = ambil nasihat saya
TIMTOWTDI = There Is More Than One Way To Do It = banyak jalan
TINALO = This Is Not A Legal Opinion = bukan pandangan hukum
TINAR = This Is Not A Recommendation = bukan rekomendasi
TIA = Thanks In Advance = terima kasih sebelumnya
TFTT = Thanks For The Thought = terima kasih pendapatnya
TYVM = Thank You Very Much = Terima Kasih Banyak
VOOT = Very Out Of Topic = gak nyambung banget
WOMBAT = Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time = buang uang, pikiran dan
WBS = Write Back Soon = saya balas segera suratnya
WRT = With Regard To; With Respect To = berkaitan dengan
WYGIWYPF = What You Get Is What You Pay For = apa yang kamu dapat itu
sesuai yang kamu bayar
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get = yang kamu lihat yang akan kamu
WTB = Want To Buy
WTS = Want To Sell
WTI = Want To Inform
WTA = Want To Ask
Original Post at: http://pranataharri.blogspot.com/2012/03/kata-kata-gaul-dalam-bahasa-inggris.html
Original Post at: http://pranataharri.blogspot.com/2012/03/kata-kata-gaul-dalam-bahasa-inggris.html
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